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Professional Returns in EF Center, details show but not the name of the partnership or file name or EIN

Level 3

All of the other returns show name-only this S-corp(another S-corp is showing ok)

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5 Comments 5
Level 15

Funky things happen with homebase views sometimes.  Usually if you exit ProSeries and go back in the problem disappears.

Slava Ukraini!
Level 10
Level 10

also...i  have accidently been in that field and hit the space bar and it deletes the title, or have hit a '  .  ' by mistake when I didn't even know I was in that field.

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Level 15
Level 15

Might try  Homebase > Reset Current View  just incase you somehow hit the filter button and wiped out the name column.

Level 3

Actually, I had to get support on the phone for another issue and it turned out I had to use the wheel on myt mouse to enlarge the view and then all information appeared. Strange but true.

Thank you for your input

Level 15
Level 15
Ohhhh, so they just got super tiny and looked blank? At least it was an easy fix!
