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Pro Series Professional "Forms Bar"

Level 4

In the left panel forms bar, normally we see "forms in use by number" e.g 1040, Info W/s, W-2 etc..

While working on a tax return, my  mouse unintentionally went there and now though I see the bar but it does not show any form numbers.

It is now impossible to work on a return.

Any urgent help would be appreciated.



0 Cheers

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7 Comments 7
Level 15
Level 15

If you see just the bar, put your mouse on the bar, hold left button on mouse and drag to the right

Level 15
Level 15

Exiting the program then restarting/logging back in doesnt reset the screen?

Level 4

Thanks Terry 53029.  Yes expanding the panel would bring back the panel,  But since the left forms bar panel itself was visible and not showing form numbers, I was helpless.

Pls see below.

Pro Series Forms Bar Panel Not Showing Forms in Use

Feb. 22, 2020

Pro Series Professional 2019 TRs


Do not recall for sure but the mouse unintentionally went to the left side Forms Bar Panel and though the forms bar panel of the same width size (2 to 3 inches wide) stayed put but the form number of “Forms in Use” were replaced by light blue empty lines.

Attempts by me

Got out of the tax return I was working on thinking that this issue may be related to this specific tax return.  And opened another tax return but the issue was there.

Several times went to the Forms Bar Panel and tried to left click and right click the mouse.  But nothing seemed to work.

Do not recall whether I completely logged out and logged back in.

Finally, closed all applications including Pro Series Professional on my laptop

Posted my question in our very helpful community.  Had to leave office and home for a few hours and upon return I saw my helpful community friends responding very promptly.

Current Status

Just logged into my laptop and logged in my Pro Series Professional and notice that the problem is gone.  I am back to seeing the form numbers in the Forms Panel bar.


Not sure but the problem may not have been caused by my mouse but it was a Pro Series software problem for the time being.  I am not sure any other user in the same time frame experienced similar problem.  But Thank God and Thank to my helpful community friends, the problem is now gone.




Level 4

Thanks Just-Lisa-Now for your prompt reply.  Probably your suggested solution and my overnight waiting to log back in has worked.  Please see below:

Pro Series Forms Bar Panel Not Showing Forms in Use

Feb. 22, 2020

Pro Series Professional 2019 TRs


Do not recall for sure but the mouse unintentionally went to the left side Forms Bar Panel and though the forms bar panel of the same width size (2 to 3 inches wide) stayed put but the form number of “Forms in Use” were replaced by light blue empty lines.

Attempts by me

Got out of the tax return I was working on thinking that this issue may be related to this specific tax return.  And opened another tax return but the issue was there.

Several times went to the Forms Bar Panel and tried to left click and right click the mouse.  But nothing seemed to work.

Do not recall whether I completely logged out and logged back in.

Finally, closed all applications including Pro Series Professional on my laptop

Posted my question in our very helpful community.  Had to leave office and home for a few hours and upon return I saw my helpful community friends responding very promptly.

Current Status

Just logged into my laptop and logged in my Pro Series Professional and notice that the problem is gone.  I am back to seeing the form numbers in the Forms Panel bar.


Not sure but the problem may not have been caused by my mouse but it was a Pro Series software problem for the time being.  I am not sure any other user in the same time frame experienced similar problem.  But Thank God and Thank to my helpful community friends, the problem is now gone.




0 Cheers
Level 3

I have the same problem.  My forms bar on the left is disappeared.  I have restarted my computer twice and then logged in to Proseries.  Forms bar still gone.  How do I get it back?


0 Cheers
Level 15
Level 15

Is the Forms Bar checked in the View menu within a client file?


Level 3

Thank you Lisa!!!  You are the best!  Problem is solved.