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Misery Loves Company?

Level 11

26 days left and 49% out the door.  After 40 years of this I'm beyond stressed and grumpy.  Since Friday I've gotten in over close to a hundred new returns (drop off, portal and mail).  I need May 15th!  So - where are you in status?

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11 Comments 11
Level 11
Level 11

I love this time of the year, have done 875 returns, including business returns.. about 100 on extensions so far and booked until april 18th.  I stopped picking up my phone and have a message where I state I am booked but if they would like me to file an extension for them I could and we could take care of the taxes after April. 

Level 15
Level 15
I stopped taking new clients the first week of March, I'm kinda greedy, I like the new money, but Im also not INSANE!

Level 15

April 18 is just another spring day.  Find a therapist you can send clients to, so they can get over their brainwashing to an IRS "deadline" that doesn't exist.  Then when you finish their returns, get some OCD therapy yourself.  

We told clients that if they got everything to us by March 18, we expect to have their returns finished by April 18.  This week many more are arriving, with documents that they have had in their possession for two to four weeks.  Most of them will be refund or zero-balance returns.  For those who expect to owe, we will prepare extensions and tell them where to mail their check (or pay online).  Yes, we'll file extensions for everyone.  Doesn't take much time. 

If they don't like it, they won't come back next year.  That leaves time for reasonable people.  The ones we have been turning away for years because we didn't have time for new clients.  Life is so much easier when you don't live in a fantasy world of "the sky is falling on April 19."  

Level 15

I'm in good shape for the official start to the Intuit tax season tomorrow.  Since Intuit didn't start tax season until 3/24, I am assuming the IRS is going to allow a later filing due date for Intuit customers?

Slava Ukraini!
Level 11
Level 11

What if the 8915-F gets delayed again... would be interesting for the commenters here.  

Level 15

I might just stay away form this place if that happens ---------------- I don't want to be injured in the melee

Slava Ukraini!
Level 11
Level 11

I kind of hope it gets delayed just to see the brouhaha 

Level 15

Then you might want to wear a helmet and flak jacket for your own safety.

Slava Ukraini!
Level 11

I'm just thinking about 2024 with no recovery rebate, no 8812, no 8915-F.  Tax returns will take 5 minutes each and then 2025 will be the end of current tax law and no more 199A.

Level 11
Level 11

and the return of the 2% haircut itemized deductions 

Level 15

@dascpa don't worry, they will come up with some more crap by then, and that year will be a pain in the @$$ just like last year and this year. Just my opinion