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Is there any way to make a note on a completed return, that, when transferred to the next year, will pop up before you can enter any new data?

Level 2
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Level 15
Level 15

Theres a place in the Client Status to include Permanent Notes, so if you re-trained your brain to open the Client Status screen with the button at the very top of the Fed info worksheet before scrolling down, you'd see the notes.....but I dont know of a way to have a popup note appear when opening a client file.

Level 15
Level 15
FWIW Im pretty old school so I slap a hot pink sticky note to the front of the clients folder if I want to make notes that I'll see each year.

Level 15

When we had paper files, there was a hot pink sheet of paper on the left side of the file for such things. We called it Notes for Succeeding Years. We have an electronic version of it now but it loses something without it being right in your face.

The more I know the more I don’t know.
Level 15
Level 15
I gotta have it right in my face! LOL

Level 15

Depending on what exactly you want the notes for ...

You can double click most data fields and get that little detail worksheet.  Anything you write on the left side will carryover to next year.  And because those notes from the left side are carried over, the data field in the next year shows zero, rather than being blank, so that can alert you that there is a note about that item.

Again, that won't solve all things that you need a note for, but it may help with some line-specific notes.

Level 15
Level 15

I always add a note for the name  box if I need a note, then when I open clients I take a quick look if I have any notes for that client, and they carry over year to year

Level 1

We use "PREPARER NOTES" section. Transfers over to following year's data.

0 Cheers
Level 13

Have you ever used that red exclamation point that appears on the left of the Home Base? It's also used on an entry block by right-clicking for "Missing Client Information."

I don't use it, but does it carry forward from year to year?

** I'm still a champion... of the world! Even without The Lounge.
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Level 15
Level 15

@Accountant-Man the  red exclamation point does not carryover

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Level 13


** I'm still a champion... of the world! Even without The Lounge.
Level 7
Level 2

Where is this?

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