Is there a limit as to the dollar amount a client can pay the Feds electronically when filing 1040 return? Specifically $700,000 plus. Can we just set up the checking account info and date (as in today) and just transmit as usual? I've never been asked to ePay such a large amount before. Thanks for any feedback.
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I believe you can pay up to $999,999.
I don’t have that much faith in Intuit. I would go to the IRS direct pay site for those kind of dollars.
That is very good advice
The maximum number you can pay on IRS Direct Pay is $9,999,999.99.
Another Former All Star
By the way, if the client is trying to save money, they could pay as little as $9,999,999.50 and it would round up to $10,000,000.
Another Former All Star
@poolcleaner wrote:
The maximum number you can pay on IRS Direct Pay is $9,999,999.99.
It is interesting that you know that. Have you had clients try to pay more than that?
Is that just a per-payment limit? Or can you do multiple payments (either per day, or spread out over multiple days)?
I WISH I had enough income that I was limited to a $9,999,999.99 tax payment. 🤣
@poolcleaner has that amount memorized because she has to pay it in for her own return every year 😉
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