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IRS Mileage Rate change beginning July 1st 2022.

Level 8

Beginning July 1st the Mileage Allowance increases by a huge amount from 58.5 Cents to 62.5 Cents!

This will give relief to employees dependent on their employers business reimbursements.

Thank you

19 Comments 19
Level 15

Just like a stimulus payment ---------------- that extra 4 cents is going get everybody to go on a spending spree 😮

Never mind.  I guess with gas being at $25 bucks a gallon or whatever it is today, that 4 cents is just going to go back to the oil companies.

Slava Ukraini!
Level 8

The Oil Companies need that extra 4 Cents to pay for the Trucking of the Crude OIL to the refineries and the gas to the retail gas stations.

Guess they never thought of that ... 🙂


Level 15

We need to dump our gas powered cars and go to electric vehicles.  But then again, when the rolling blackouts start popping up because they aren't producing enough electricity, we won't be able to charge them.  Maybe we should all invest in a good bicycle.  But then again, those things need air for their tires and I'm guessing they will start charging for air.  Maybe we should all start walking.  But then again, we are getting old so we will be needing new knees and hips.  I guess we can't win --------- although after this past tax season, being a permanent couch potato doesn't sound like such a bad thing.

Slava Ukraini!
Level 8

I got off the couch and got a dog to walk.. Unfortunately I need a vehicle to take him to the park....

Lost 15lbs doing this and feel much healthier.

My Office is 14 miles from home so I do need a vehicle.  

Level 15

"I got off the couch and got a dog to walk.. Unfortunately I need a vehicle to take him to the park....

Lost 15lbs doing this and feel much healthier."


But just think of how healthy you will feel walking 28 miles each day!  Of course, you might have to fire a few clients because of the time you are losing walking to work each day 😜

Slava Ukraini!
Level 15

Here ya' go!!!



Answers are easy. Questions are hard!
Level 15

But make sure you have plenty of tattoos and leather accessories if you are going to buy one so that you can blend in with the rest of the bikers.

Slava Ukraini!
Level 8

I'm afraid to ride my bicycle on the roads these days, much less getting an E-bike on the road. Nobody is paying attention driving now days.

Level 15

Horse and buggy. Very popular mode of transportation in my area.

Level 15

Thanks for posting this - I was just discussing with a client this morning that there most likely will be an increase to the mileage rate for July 1.  At the time, I wasn't able to look up any information.   

Level 8

Official Announcement 2022-13

For more Information on this.

Level 15

But the cost of feed is up, too.

Level 15

"Horse and buggy. Very popular mode of transportation in my area"

But with all of the drought conditions hitting parts of the country, there won't be enough food to feed the horses.  But I guess the buggy would still work as long as you found a human willing to pull it.

Slava Ukraini!
Level 4

I just walk everywhere.  

Level 15

4 cents a mile times, my car gets 20mpg in town = 80 cents.  How much has the price of gas gone up since January 1?  

The grid does not have the capacity to support the 50% EV goal -- and much of the power still comes from fossil fuels.  I'm hoping my grandkids solve these problems.  Meanwhile, my biggest monthly car expense is insurance, not gas.  (I don't drive much.)  But no one talks about tort reform -- the personal-injury lawyers won't allow it.  

Level 8

I guess they are out of touch with those of us who have to drive to work and home and for necessities like food, clothing, meds, medical, etc..

Oh I could take mass-transit if it was available here in the Midwest.... Like a bus, subway,  train, uber, taxi? all not available.

May go back to hitchhiking as I did when I was a teen....

4 Cents increase for a $2.50 (Double) of fuel costs? Sounds like a deal... haha


Level 15

Mass transit in the rural Midwest consists of calling a friend or neighbor for a ride.🚌

Slava Ukraini!
Level 15

There should be an app for that. Maybe we could start one.  Call it "Uber."  That's Norwegian for "pot luck."

Level 11

Electric cars?  I just heard today that they are predicting blasckouts later this year because of lack of electrcity.  If we are driving electric cars can you imagine how messed up we would all be then with no electrcity to charge our cars?