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IRS Fax number for form 940 letter incorrect

Level 3

I received a letter from the IRS regarding a filed form 940 error. The fax number they sent for me to reply to is a SEX number. How do I report this? Where/how do I get the correct number? I tried calling the number to see if my fax machine miss-dialed. Nope! Has anyone else had this problem? It is a KC letter. Phone number is 855-897-7588.

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7 Comments 7
Level 11

Sarcastic - - - most of my clients say the IRS is trying to screw them so maybe it's not a bad number........

Level 15
Level 15

Ive seen reports of invalid fax and phone numbers on letters from tax pros in other tax groups, so its not unheard of.

Guess youre stuck with mailing your response 🤷‍

Level 15

But look at the bright side ------------------- folks complain here all of the time that they can't get through to the IRS ---------- sounds like that isn't a problem with that number.😬

Slava Ukraini!
Level 15

How do you know it's a letter from IRS?

Level 15

If you do a Google search for the number, the first hit is the IRS.  I'm guessing phone numbers are like websites.  If someone finds a number that has been abandoned that they assume got some regular use, they buy them up.  I tried calling the number but Jenny wasn't working today so I hung up.

Slava Ukraini!
Level 15

If they can hack the Pentagon why can't they hack the Verizon switchboard?

Level 3

It is an official IRS letter. I accidentally clicked the box on the 940 saying there was state credit reduction. Being that only the US Virgin Islands is the only credit reduction state, it was an obvious error. The tax was paid. But they are wasting taxpayer dollars and my time by asking me to send a Schedule A. I thought I would fax the reply, but wound up getting the Sex number response over the weekend. It is now changed to "We're sorry, the call can't be completed at this time".