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Intuit Link Account Reset for Tax Payers

Level 2

Anyone know if there is a phone number that I can give to a client that can't get his Intuit Account reset?  Appears to be in a loop in their system.  I can't find a phone number anywhere in the support.  Unfortunately they expect that I can solve this!

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7 Comments 7
Level 15

@mkscpa wrote:

Unfortunately they expect that I can solve this!

Yes, that's what Intuit expects you to do also, unfortunately.

What happened when your client tried to login?

Is this a new client?

Has he/she accepted your invite?

Has he/she responded to any question or submitted any document either for the current or previous years?

Did your client log in by clicking on the button within your invitation email (which contains a token) and use the email address to which the invitation was sent (which should be populated automatically by the browser)?  Your client should not bypass your invitation email and attempt to access Intuit Link for a new tax year for the first time by logging in directly with his/her credentials.  This is critical and should first be tried by your client because it ensures your client's Intuit Link account is properly "connected" with yours for the relevant tax year.

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Level 15
Level 15

This is reason that I switched to Encyro Secure Messaging this year, Too many hiccups with link. Encyro is not free, but very inexpensive, and extremely easy for everyone. no need for client to open account. Just respond to an email. 

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Level 15

Agree with @Terry53029.  There are many who switched to other solutions (myself included) because of how clunky and glitchy Intuit Link is.  We've been using VeriFyle for a few years now but I can see Encyro is also gaining popularity.

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Level 4

Thanks to both of you for the advice.  Is there a way to create the "question and answer" experience that Link has in either of these?  I use Hightail for secure email upload/download of files (especially large files) but the clients that use Link don't want to use that kind of a service.  They want to be able to answer the template of questions I have designed inside link in lieu or a organizer type document that I would upload to them.

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Level 15
Level 15

In Encyro you can create templets

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Level 4

Thank you.  I couldn't tell from the website.  To high of a learning curve this year for my clients and all my invites are out for Link but I will look into for next tax season.  Are you also using the electronic signature feature?  Does it work well for engagement letters, 8879 etc?

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Level 15

You can't setup templates in VeriFyle because it's not meant to be an "organizer" (which Intuit Link is really not despite how they market it as such) but a secure portal for data gathering and collation.  You can create various items for EL, organizer, as well as questions and answers, which means all responses and correspondence related to each item will be compartmentalized and organized.  There is an audit trail for each entry (which Intuit Link does not in spite of the Act as taxpayer function posing a potential risk in case of challenges from taxpayers).  VeriFyle Pro even has a built in function for F.8879-compliant electronic signatures.

In case you are still looking for solutions for login issues related to Intuit Link, the following discussions may be of help to you:






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