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How will 2020 deferred disaster-related retirement plan distributions be carried forward from 8915-E to 2021?

Level 4

For clients that deferred tax on covid-related retirement plan distributions (up to $100k) in 2020, assuming no repayment, how will Proseries carry forward the next one-third ($33,333) of the distribution from 2020 8915-E to 2021?

As I write this, Proseries has no 8915-E or 8915-F.  Will it be added soon?  Curious what the procedure will be? Do we have to input on the 1099-R screen?

Thank you.


0 Cheers
19 Comments 19
Level 13
Level 13

I would imagine it will transfer from 2020 to 8915F and then to 1040. The problem we have is Intuit is not releasing or finalizing the form until 03/17....but everything everyone has said so far is IRS has not finalized the form. 

Level 15

The IRS hasn't finalized the form yet so it is going to be awhile before we see it.

Slava Ukraini!
Level 4

3/17, yikes!  Thanks for posting!

Level 13
Level 13

@curt1 wrote:

3/17, yikes!  Thanks for posting!

my thoughts too!!!

Level 15

3/17 is going to be a big day.  That is also the day that the 2210 is being rolled out.  Due to all of the complicated changes that the IRS made on that form, Intuit is taking their time to make sure that they get pretty close to correct before they release it.

Slava Ukraini!
Level 13
Level 13

get pretty close to correct before they release it.



Level 15


Please stop with the *Bwahahaha!!!*, 'kay????

You obviously missed the post that this is "Serious Saturday"

"*******Tax software is no substitute for a professional tax preparer*******
( Generic Comment )"
Level 15

Looks like we are going to have to start holding Serious Saturday classes.  We will get those set for Whacko Wednesday at 7:00 pm.

Slava Ukraini!
Level 15

Will munchies & cocktails be provided?   🍲🥘😋   /  🍹🍷🍸

"*******Tax software is no substitute for a professional tax preparer*******
( Generic Comment )"
Level 15

Of course.  Dress up like your favorite troll to make the evening complete

Slava Ukraini!
Level 13
Level 13

Im very serious in that it was funny! Does that work? 😄

Level 15

Works for me, but as you know, I'm always very, very serious, no matter what day it is.

Slava Ukraini!
Level 13
Level 13

I sooooooooo want to laugh at that statement......but I'll be serious for once. 

Level 11

Remember the most important issue about 3/17Happy St. Patricks day.

Level 15

Im very serious in that it was funny! Does that work? 

OK... I'll give you that one 😉


"*******Tax software is no substitute for a professional tax preparer*******
( Generic Comment )"
Level 15

Maybe that's why Intuit chose that day.  Everybody is going to turn green when they turn on (automatically update) their system only to find that the new 2210 causes their system to shutdown.

Slava Ukraini!
Level 15

☘️ 🍺

"*******Tax software is no substitute for a professional tax preparer*******
( Generic Comment )"
Level 15

@abctax55 Say Whaaaaaaaaat??? In reply to Serious Saturday comment

Level 15

"Curious what the procedure will be? Do we have to input on the 1099-R screen?"

Maybe, in the worksheet. The IRS, as of right now, is not releasing Form 8915-F as an efile form for tax year 2021; it will be as pdf for efile. That can still be generated by tax programs (auto-generated) or attached with info gathered from a worksheet.

"Level Up" is a gaming function, not a real life function.