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Fourth stimulus check?

Level 15

What are the odds on a fourth stimulus check or economic impact payment check? I think the probability of this happening is near 100% .... Maybe the question should be when will they end?... just my opinion

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Level 15

Iron Man I agree with the latter part of your comment...

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17 Comments 17
Level 3

Not until the comrades are out of office, just my opinion.

Level 15

#45 gave out $1,800, only fair to let #46 add another $400 some time (especially since this $1,400 was really the last guy's idea).  

Level 15

👍God shows Mercy on those who fear Him and who speak the truth... Just my opinion

Level 13

I think it's probably unlikely.  I heard our COVID problem will be over by Easter.  Sure it was a year ago that I heard that . . .

Also with the Advanced CTC starting in July(ish) that should get money to some folks who need it.

Level 15

It is not an election year.  Why would Congress do anther stimulus?

Level 15

The count is 1.

"Level Up" is a gaming function, not a real life function.
Level 15

Vanity and pride are not good virtues, I do not like to blow my own horn , but was it not I who asked the question a month or so ago on whether we will have an extended tax season and that we should? Didn't others say no way... Just my opinion

Level 15

I think the odds are somewhere between slim and none.  Besides, I think they are running out of red ink to finance all of the checks going out the door.  Back to what I have said before - find a way to help the folks that really need the help.  This driving through town throwing dollar bills out of the back of a pickup truck isn't really solving the problem.

Slava Ukraini!
Level 15

Iron Man I agree with the latter part of your comment...

Level 15


No, you were the one saying the odds were only even that it would happen, while others said it was more likely than not.   Meanwhile, @abctax55 and @ljr hit the nail on the head with their St Patrick’s Day predictions.

What you wrote:  I would say the odds are fifty-fifty and they'll announce it after March 15th, since they want all the k-1s filed for the scorps and Partnerships, even though they can file extensions if they wish to...


Level 15

Bob, I am talking about the original post that I started over a month ago when many tax accountants thought that an extended tax season was highly unlikely ....You are referencing an article or post from approximately two weeks ago. 

Level 15

Name one person here who thought an extended tax season was unlikely.  I think you may be talking about one or two people on other sites you visit.  

0 Cheers
Level 15

The next act in Washington, which can be accomplished through reconciliation and may involve 50 plus 1 votes in the Senate, is a package that combines infrastructure spending (politically popular) with tax increases on corporations and the wealthy (also popular).  

Both TCJA in 2017, and ARPA this month, involved $1.9 trillion in spending.  It's all just a political Rorschach test:  Tell me which one you don't like, and I'll tell you how you voted.   

Level 15

"Tell me which one you don't like, and I'll tell you how you voted."

I call BS on that statement, and it's not necessary on this forum.

"Level Up" is a gaming function, not a real life function.
Level 15

I call BS and that statement, and it's not necessary on this forum.

Level 15

Of all the communities that can understand details matter, it should be this community. Put away that broad paintbrush and give us all some credit. Have some tolerance that a mixed community is just that: Mixed. And I doubt you know anyone here to the degree you've had a deep discussion with them on their beliefs or opinions. You don't know anything about how we vote or why. It implies we cannot think through details, and that any one vote implies all conditions of acceptance or disagreement.

This is not the place for that. Real people are complicated.

"Level Up" is a gaming function, not a real life function.
Level 15

"It implies we cannot think through details"

That's an odd statement coming from this community ---------------- a majority of the folks posting questions here can't think through details 😉

Now that we have that out of the way ---------------- when is ProSeries going to have the unemployment thing fixed so we can exclude $9,835 of unemployment like my barber told me this morning? 😜

Slava Ukraini!