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Drake vs Proseries

Level 2

Has anyone done the legwork as to why Proseries is worth $5,309 for the LITE version over Drake's $1,625 Unlimited Version?

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12 Comments 12
Level 15

ProSeries is more automated, easier entry and overall has more time-saving features.

Both prepare tax returns; Drake is probably more accurate.

So I think it largely boils down to how much is your time worth?  For some people, the extra cost for ProSeries may be worth it because they can get things done quicker.  For other people, it is not worth the cost.

Level 15

Many preparers in area use this... in my opinion, it is not as user-friendly as Pro Series...

Level 2

I am trying to determine if it is worth the extra $3700?

0 Cheers
Level 13

It really just depends on your practice.  Number of preparers, number of returns, types of returns, number of different state returns, etc.  Be thinking of where you are right now vs. where you want to be in 5 or 10 years.

The JoA annual survey results just came out last month, see the article here:



Level 15

If that is the case, a factor that you should consider is data conversion... Do you have time to go through the returns to make sure accumulated depreciation, carryovers, Etc are okay.. another factor to consider is the learning curve... Just my opinion

Level 2

Thanks for the link!

Solo practitioner

225 1040

50 1065

25 1120

20 1120S

10 1041

As for the future, probably going to sell the practice in a few years.

Level 15

The term "clunky" has been mentioned by more than one preparer that has taken Drake for a test drive.  A Chevy Chevette and a Chevy Corvette are both vehicles, but I think most folks that ever took a Chevette for a test drive would call a Chevette clunky.

Slava Ukraini!
Level 15

You have a well-balanced diverse client base.. Looks real good.. I would stay put but you do what you want to... Just my opinion...

Level 3

Used PS for years, changed to Drake for 2019 & 2020. Now moving back to PS. In my opinion, Drake is far less expensive than alternatives. That is it. No other advantages. FWIW.

Level 15

@mhamm30 @Yeah I think you are right... Most of the tax preparers around here that use Drake seem to only concentrate on 1040 returns, I.E. I do not think they are doing too many business returns or large 1040 returns... Just my opinion...

Level 11
Level 11

If you're thinking of retiring in a few years I don't think I'd go through the pain of changing software companies.... charge an extra $10 per return will cover the difference..  Any of my clients that complain about a 10 increase would get fired anyway. 

If at first you don’t succeed…..find a workaround
Level 8

I was going to suggest the same thing - if you're only going to be doing this a few more years I would just stick it out and not go through the hassle of a conversion. Me personally would not do a switch this close to tax season. IF I would change it would be over the summer so all the conversion issues had time to be fixed. I also would not want to try to learn the new program as I'm doing taxes.