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Can I efile a return that has a w2 with no federal withholding due to IRS dificultyof care income exclusion?

Level 3
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7 Comments 7
Level 15


Slava Ukraini!
Level 11



Level 15

Don't say ooops.  Now joggergirl is going to assume that we don't know what we are talking about.  Well, sometimes we don't, but I'm positive we have this one nailed.

Slava Ukraini!
Level 11

You are correct, I said that because I posted before seeing your reply.

Years ago I was a new maintenance dispatcher for large auto company and it required constant radio communication with the tradesmen out in the plant. At times it was difficlult to understand the the message over the radio, so one day I said repeat...with in minuites a WW2 Marine vetern came storming into my dispatch office and told me to never ever say  repeat, because during the war it could be interpeted as RETREAT!!!

and really I don't have much time on my hands today but that incident has been in my head for over 30 years!

Level 11

Do I need to click something for spell checker? or just proof read?

Level 15

But that guy obviously never prepared tax returns for a living ------------- there are a lot of days when I would like to retreat.  🏳️

Slava Ukraini!
Level 15

"Do I need to click something for spell checker? or just proof read?"

I usually proof read just as I hit post so then I have to edit my post 2 seconds later.

Slava Ukraini!