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Level 2

Hi.  Do you know if Form 8915-E is ready on Professional?   



6 Comments 6
Level 10
Level 10

F 8915-E is only for tax year 2020.  F 8915-F is for 2021, and according to the hundreds, if not thousands of posts, will be available in mid-March.

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Level 2

So if a taxpayer choose to elect pandemic in 2020 to report the distritution in 3 years, doesn't it transfer to 2021 automatically?  

Level 10
Level 10

yep! and we can only hope they develop a query we can run in 2020 program to find those peoples.   (unless you have a much better memory than I do)

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Level 11

At this point we really don't know if it will transfer automatically.

Level 11

I hope you are right and it is the middle of March because everything I see  says March 31st

Level 11

It should but it is doubtful that it is going to,