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Today's Update Messed Up Every 1099-R

Level 12

Need a workaround. 02/19/25 update now requires RMD info on every 1099-R. Don't have this info, cannot get this info and on certain pensions, etc. this does not apply. There isn't enough Fireball to handle this new disaster. 

113 Comments 113
Level 15
Level 15

what info does it want?  I havent updated yet.

Level 15

Thanks for the heads up.  I'm not going to update until October 14th now.  

Since that kind of information really shouldn't affect the 1099R reporting on the return, you can't just lie to the software to make it work?

Slava Ukraini!
Level 15

Every taxpayer, or just those 73 and older?

0 Cheers
Level 15
Level 15

But are the ES forms finally ready?

Level 4

Is anyone noticing on the last several Form 1040s they are completing that error messages are preventing efiling if the 1099R form is not completed by answering the RMD questions.

I could swear that during the first 15-20 returns I completed, where I completed 1099R information for basic distributions from an IRA for example, I did not fill in and complete the RMD question or the RMD worksheet (and the worksheet is a new worksheet I believe this year).  Now here on the last several returns I have done, if I do not complete this RMD question, I am getting an error message.  

Further, many 1099R forms that I am filling are for the classic traditional pension distributions, and the RMD question is not even applicable.   

Lastly, I don't know for a number of clients if their distribution is actually satisfying their RMD or not.  In many cases I do know from experience, but in others I simply do not know, and I would have to do the full comprehensive calculation to be sure.    Am I missing something here>  Did proseries change the software for these 1099R RMD scenarios this year.   I have used pro series for years, and I never remember getting questions for this and error messages for this.  Thank you. 

Level 15
Level 4

Thank you ABCtax55.  I searched the community for something like my questions, thinking this must have been raised.  I must not have typed in the proper search terms---go figure.  But your link answers it all.   Thank you for your prompt response.    Sounds like this is the classic pro series software glitch, and here we go again.   I thought I was losing my mind.   Thanks. 

Level 15

YVW.... I saw it earlier (even tho I don't use PS).

The search function on this forum sucks.

Good luck with the normal Intuit methodology of fix something, but break something that was working just fine in the process.....

HumanKind... Be Both
Level 12

Appears to be RMD age eligible only.

0 Cheers
Level 15

Well, see, they are doing you a favor.  Just like giving you a place to enter Box 11 on a 1099-DIV, so they can remind you it goes somewhere.  Just change the client's year of birth to 1959. 

Level 15

Time to enter the contest.  First person to guess what they were trying to fix when they broke this gets an all expense paid trip to Greenland.

Slava Ukraini!
Level 15
Level 15

That new RMD worksheet in the 1099R worksheet and the 5329 arent working properly for waiver of penalty for missed RMD, I hope that wasnt what they were trying to fix (how often do we use that?!?) and then screwed up all the 1099Rs for everyone!

Level 3

I had the same problem, just updated and my return that was just fine before I updated is now giving me errors because of the 1099R requiring information about the RMD.  My client doesn't even know the answers to this question, I certainly don't. It isn't my job to make sure that my clients are taking their RMD, please ProSeries (Intuit) don't make me do this job too.

Level 7

I noticed the RMD requirement today too. 

Hopefully, PS fixes this glitch.

To get around this, is there any harm in checking the Yes box that the entire gross applies to December 31, 2024 RMD?


Assuming your client did satisfy the RMD requirement, then just entire a "0" on line A for Required RMD amount.

And yes, the ES forms are ready.

Level 2

I am having the same issue.  Is Pro-Series aware?  Please tell me this is a glitch.

I don't want to have to ask every client if they are doing the proper RMD and maybe even calculate it for them.   My first 60 returns NEVER HAD THIS ISSUE.

How does this get escalated?

It does not seem to be a "TRENDING" issue but it is a big one I would think.

Level 8

OMG what did they do now - I just updated and now I got all these errors on the 1099-R 

so far I just put a zero on the line to clear the error - 


INTUIT - stop fixing things that are not broken please!

Put it back the way it was 


Level 3

yes latest update made this irrelevant change requiring RMD info and status or we get automated errors.

how do we complain or notify Intuit for correction?  they should NOT put preparer in position to find a work around as there is nothing on the 1099R to have this information.  Why make us the IRS auditors and why would the software take on this change???? Ugh.

Level 3

checking the box "yes" that the 1099R distribution is part of the RMD causes PS to lite up more error boxes wanting how much of this 1099R relates to RMD specifically and the type of account. So no help on this work around.

Level 3

putting 0 in RMD wkst line A removes error but is needed for all 1099R's if client is over age requirement.  Will that tell the IRS that they didn't take out any RMD for the year?

As preparer, we have no idea of RMD amounts and which distributions are satisfying their RMD for multiple accounts. 

79 year old client has 6 different 1099R's that just are lighting up software errors....

Level 2

I just called Proseries. Totally useless!!!!!!!!!!

Their solution was for me to be transferred over to the IRS's helpline and discuss with them how this program should work.. . 

The program worked fine for the first 19 days of February, now this. So typical of Proseries. Maybe by April 1st the program will work correctly. First it was having to enter all kinds of info for non cash contribtions under $500. Finally got that fixed. Then not having final estimated tax forms until yesterday.



Level 8

also when you tab thru it is not going from box 1 to box 2 directly - it makes a few stops along the way 

Level 3

There has to be a programming error. It's even asking for the RMD on 1099-Rs that are defined benefit payments. Hopefully, someone from intuit is reading this and fixes it ASAP !!!! Intuit keeps making it more and more attractive to look for other software.

On with Intuit now.  Useless.  Don't know about the problem.  Have no answers.  Just hung up with ProSeries/Intuit.  They acknowledge the error exists.  Their internal instructions are" just enter a 0 in that "Required RMD amount" field.  It does make the errors disappear.  I asked if Intuit is planning on releasing a patch.  She did not know, but next Tuesday is their next scheduled system update.  I asked if entering the 0 is a reporting issue (I personally don't see why it would be.  Saying the RMD amount is zero, and reporting an amount over zero doesn't have any tax impact that I can foresee), but of course, they have no idea.

Level 3

yes, it is recent software update change.  Haven't found work around without creating more errors for info we as preparers do not have.  Not sure why PS has done this but we need to let them know it should be eliminated immediately.  There's another discussion thread going as well.

Level 5

Somebody at Intuit is sharp as a marble. This is a typical ineffective solution to a nonexistent problem. At least give us a box to check in the Options window to disable the RMD worksheet.

Level 5

Have y'all always completed the RMD worksheet?  Why now is there an error message to complete?

0 Cheers
Level 3

We noticed this as well and are interested in the answer.

0 Cheers
Level 5

Intuit messed up in yesterday's update. See lots of posts at a thread with this name:

Today's Update Messed Up Every 1099-R

Level 5

Thank you.  Had searched but didn't find.  

Level 15

Ruben did a lovely job of cutting and pasting these two posts together but it would have been a bit more helpful if he offered some insight to the issue.  I did try several times to page him, but every time I tried, this ^&%%!!@@###!!! system would go into limbo and repeat the lovely "access denied" notice.

Slava Ukraini!
Level 15


Ok, it worked that time

Slava Ukraini!
Level 15

"We noticed this as well and are interested in the answer."

I think the line of folks waiting for the answer is stretching around the corner and down about 7 blocks right now.

Slava Ukraini!
Level 15

@IRonMaN wrote:

Time to enter the contest.  First person to guess what they were trying to fix when they broke this gets an all expense paid trip to Greenland.

You mean "Red, White, and Blueland" ......


Level 15

I was trying not to be political, but I did contemplate whether the trip should be to Greenland or the Gulf of America 😶

Slava Ukraini!
Level 3

LOL...need some humor in this tax world.  I've had to move all my "senior" clients to the bottom of review piles until PS gets rid of their magical red errors. (or do I say if)

Level 2

Could it be they were trying to update Form 179?

Level 15
Level 15

@WI FISHY wrote:

LOL...need some humor in this tax world.  I've had to move all my "senior" clients to the bottom of review piles until PS gets rid of their magical red errors. (or do I say if)

Im just sticking a zero in the box and moving on...Im more pissed that the cursor doesnt move to the entry spots using Tab or Enter anymore, it stops on ever dang word!

Level 1

I e-filed clients a few days ago without any errors. Now when I open their returns, I have errors in them.

A little guidance would be helpful.


Level 3

The ES Forms are ready however, I'm echoing the same comments about the entry process for the 1099Rs.  It's not only the RMDs but any 1099R entry.  


Hello @IRonMaN  thank you all for bringing this up, we are looking into it. Once we have an update, I will be happy to post it here. Thanks! 

Level 15


Slava Ukraini!
0 Cheers
Level 3

I just saw it on a return I opened up today, and I had pretty much the same reaction that many people here did.  Here are my thoughts for whatever it's worth.... AND I AM HOPING SOMEONE FROM PROSERIES READS THESE THOUGHTS!!!

a) I also don't necessarily have the RMD information for each client - sometimes they provide it, sometimes they don't, and even if I have it, I'd have to hunt in prior year info, on a 5498 which has a May 31 due date, after tax season, so I may not have received it at all (nor would clients be able to locate it so many months later)

b) making this field mandatory to complete feels like an indication that we, the tax preparers, are responsible for making sure their RMD's are met, by completing these fields.

c) In a very few specific cases, I'm involved with determining RMD's, calculating them, making sure they are met, but its rare. It's not part of the normal tax prep process, I would have to be compensated for this additional layer of responsibility by clients (who usually don't want to see their fees increase)  The custodian or financial adviser is usually who makes sure this is done.

d) that said, I do not ignore it - if the amounts seem in the ballpark, I accept it and move on, or question the client if something seems missing.

e) note that some RMD situations are not straightforward - there are people who draw from a different IRA to cover the RMD in another, there are trusts, for which the RMD involves different IRS tables than the custodian is prepared to use, plus more.  

f) Given these considerations, I really have no choice but to work around it and enter a senseless figure, basically false or unconfirmed information, by inserting a zero or  the amount of the distribution....whatever makes it go away.

In summary, ProSeries should allow preparers to use this field when they have been engaged by the taxpayer (who are ultimately responsible for this) to make sure RMD's are met, but not require tax preparers to do so.

So, ProSeries, in case you are relying on AI or youthful programmers who are unfamiliar with the tax preparation process, that's generally how it works for me and I suspect many others.

I’ll take the contrarian point of view.  This isn’t a big deal.  It really doesn’t even need a work around. Just enter a zero on Line A and move on.

There are so many bigger issues that Intuit needs to address than this.  Yes, it is frustrating to have a filed return now have errors.  It is also frustrating to have to either close a return or open the state to get a federal form to print after printing the entire return, a problem Intuit has known about now for the second tax season.  Or the deductible mortgage interest worksheet, still not working properly for five tax seasons after working perfectly before that.  For starters, I’d like to see customer service revamped, so I can communicate directly to the second tier level instead of relying on the first tier person’s ability to understand and properly communicate my issue via typing away on a keyboard to an unknown person who knows where in the world.

This matter is small potatoes.  Save the anger for something big.

Level 15

Obviously, someone has been hitting the Fireball early today  😜

Slava Ukraini!

I have a legitimate excuse for once.  I’m sick.  When I looked at what was in the nighttime cold and flu medicine, I realized a half bottle of Fireball packed a lot more wallop.  So I said, what the heck, if I really want to knock this out, why not finish the entire bottle!

Best I’ve felt in three days.  So I have an open bottle of Fireball right next to me on the desk.  I enter a 1099 or W-2, and then take a swig.  I’m starting to like tax prep work again!

Level 15

Mr Fireball would be proud of you. 😉

Slava Ukraini!
Level 15
Level 15

@Just-Lisa-Now- wrote:

@WI FISHY wrote:

LOL...need some humor in this tax world.  I've had to move all my "senior" clients to the bottom of review piles until PS gets rid of their magical red errors. (or do I say if)

Im just sticking a zero in the box and moving on...Im more pissed that the cursor doesnt move to the entry spots using Tab or Enter anymore, it stops on ever dang word!

OK the fix for the input fields gone wonky, is in the Options!

