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Problem occurred during Workstation setup on ProSeries 2022

Level 2

I installed PS to my server, but I am unable to install the Workstation to my desktop.

"A problem was encountered when trying to write to the Network folder that you have selcted. Please check that you have sufficient privileges to install to the folder that you have selected or choose a different location for your installation of ProSeries. The details of the problem were: The process can not access the file ;\\server\Tax\ProSeries\ProNet22\temp00000.tmp' because it is used by another process.


Anyone else having this issue or have a work around? I've tried rebooting the server, and even uninstalled and reinstalled PS.


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13 Comments 13
Level 15

Did you try to run as administrator? 



Answers are easy. Questions are hard!
Level 2

Yes, I get he same error message.


0 Cheers
Level 15

I think you need to contact support. Tell them it is a system/install issue.



Answers are easy. Questions are hard!
0 Cheers

Hi Steve,

I'm sorry the wkstn install is problematic.

From the error message, it sounds like another process has taken control of that file in the Pronet22 folder.  This could be any other application in your environment.

It could also mean that the windows user that is installing the ProSeries 2022 wkstn on the second computer, doesn't have the correct rights to the Pronet22 folder on the server.

I just finished installing ProSeries 2022 to my local network, with no issues.  This leads me to believe your error message is local to your environment.  

I realize this information is not very specific, but I hope it points you in the right direction.

Level 2

It’s occurring on 2 of my 3 workstations. I didn’t try on the 3rd. PS tech support wasn’t able to fix the problem. We found a temporary workaround, but it caused some other issues. Hopefully this error will be addressed with final release

0 Cheers

Hi Steve0657,

I'm making assumptions off the limited information we've discussed.  At this time, there will be no changes to ProSeries 2022 that will change your situation.

Could you share details on your temporary workaround?


0 Cheers

Steve0657, could you also verify if this file exists for you?  \\server\tax\proseries\pronet22\temp00000.tmp

0 Cheers
Level 1

We are having the same error message, on 1 out of 7 workstations. So frustrating!! Has anyone found a fix for this yet?

0 Cheers
Level 1

I have the same problem. I have tried permissions. Run as admin, etc. I have noticed on the server that I have to lock files masterinventorylock.dat and uninstallerlock.dat. Do I just delete them or what to do? 

0 Cheers
Level 11
Level 11

Are all workstations compliant with compatibility requirements?

If at first you don’t succeed…..find a workaround
0 Cheers
Level 1

Can you run a workstation on a network as an administrator when there is already an administrator computer that I need to tie too?

0 Cheers
Level 1

Proseries support said to hire an IT professional to try to fix the temp00000.tmp error. Doesn't anybody have an answer?

0 Cheers

Do you mean install a second workstation as an admin workstation on an already existing ProSeries network.  I do not suggest doing that.

If you mean right clicking on an already existing ProSeries shortcut on your current workstation and selecting run as admin... that is perfectly fine.

This is the term admin used to describe two different actions.  This can be confusing, but the "Run as Admin" action in Windows elevates an executable's privileges in Windows, where as the Admin Workstation in ProSeries has a few more privileges in the ProSeries application in comparison to a normal user workstation.

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