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PA Tax Release dates

Level 1

What is the holdup with Intuit?.  In prior years the software was released in early January.  Intuit is reduceing our tax season to less than 45 days for entity returns which makes it extremely difficult for the preparing firms paying for their software.  The local PA is not scheduled to be released until February 20th.  Since they have moved the PA tax date back so many times, who knows when that release date is.

7 Comments 7
Level 8

This pertains to the PA 40?  Release date is not until 2/20??

Level 15

@GodFather he is talking about the local wage tax form that is in the PA module. This form is mailed to the local wage tax collector. But Pro Series is printing "do not mail" and "e-file only" on it. The form is not e-filed. What a joke. It seems like Every year it is an issue with this simple form that hasn't been changed since Isaac Newton painted the Mona Lisa. @gpreston322 here is what I'm going to do if it is not updated and corrected soon. I'm going to uncheck the activation box on that local wage tax form, so then the federal and Pa can both be efiled. Then I'll just prepare the local wage tax form by hand. You can get blank forms from the local tax collector or your client may bring one in.


Level 8

Thanks for confirming, @PATAX.  I'm familiar with the local tax form and use it frequently.  I don't understand why they make it difficult.  As you mentioned, there has not been a change on that form (that I am aware of) in years.  It's a generic form, it's not even specific to a certain locality, so what is the issue?  I'll just print it directly from the vendors website.  Most of mine are through Keystone.  

I'm just happy it's not the PA 40.

Level 15

@GodFather you're welcome. I believe in prior years when this has happened, I asked a colleague who uses Drake software, and I believe he said it was no problem with Drake and the local wage tax form was available. Haven't asked him yet this year. What a joke.

Level 8

@PATAX   I was with ATX for many years before switching to ProSeries.  I find PS to be more intuitive than ATX.  I trialed Drake and found the functionality and navigation to be rinky dink. But it has a loyal following and seems to provide good customer service.  

Level 15

@GodFather yeah years ago I looked at it. Looked a little Mickey Mouse and clunky to me at that time. But a lot of people around here use it and they like it. They say the customer service is real good and based here in the United States, I think down in South Carolina.

Level 4

yesterday jan 30 said form not final till today jan 31. today i update my software and now it prints with stupid efile only do not mail.   This form has not changed in eons and i really dont want to do this form by hand.   We pay big bucks for this software and i dont understand what is the holdup.