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Please Intuit explain why the PA local tax form is delayed yet another week into the what will be at least the 4th week in tax season. There is no reason that this form that has not changed since the beginning of time can't be ready to print by January 1st. Please help us, please allow it to print and let the preparer decide if it is able to be filed. You cost us so much time and money by not making this form that can be filled out by a 5 year old not be able to print. Other software providers have had this form available for weeks already.
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I agree. This form NEVER changes!!! It is one of the last forms released for processing and there is no reason for it! It takes us so much extra time to pull up a pdf version of the local and manually fill it out. It is the most cumbersome process ever! For what we pay ProSeries in software fees, this form should be available to use, right away! The form is basic and NEVER changes!!!! PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE Intuit, fix this ASAP. It costs us so much time and money! THANK YOU!!!!
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I was not happy with February 2nd, then yesterday February 9th. That is not acceptable.
the form never changes. Release it already.
Adds time needed to do other things.
Maybe all of us PA users need to start filing a complaint with out credit card companies filing a dispute for lack of services. Bet when they get monies withheld we would get action. Just a thought. Been using Proseries at least 30 years.
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It is not like Pennsylvania is a little miniscule state with three tax professionals that use Pro Series. I would imagine Pennsylvania is in the top 10 for the number of Pro Series users. So why can't they take care of this matter, which is not complicated? Come on Intuit, I know you are better than this.
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Seriously ProSeries, either you are grossly incompetent, or you just don't care. This is EVERY YEAR. This needs to stop. Clients have been bringing in their mailed copy for a couple weeks now, which means the form has long been approved. As was mentioned, the form never changes, and unless there is a change to Act 32 (I think), it won't for the foreseeable future. We all know that though, and you should too ProSeries.
***Meanwhile, if you have a prior version of ProSeries, open the client you are working on in the prior year. Enter the new income information. Override the year of the return in the upper right hand corner, change the due date, and you can print it out. Better than doing them by hand, but still adds extra time and opportunity for mistakes, but it is a bit of a work-around.
Unforgiveable that you make us do this EVER SINGLE YEAR for at least the last 5-10 years. We've been using it for 20 now, but this constant lack of attention has caused us to look elsewhere the past few years. Unfortunately, unless someone knows of a better option, we continue to begrudgingly renew ProSeries. The day a viable alternative arrives will be the day we leave.
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I've said this many times before, but I will say it one more time. The decision makers at Intuit have no clue what it is like to actually run a tax or accounting firm. Time after time, they think as long as a form is ready by a due date, they are in good shape. They have no concept as to how disruptive crap like this really is to someone in this business. If you folks ever decide to go picket Intuit headquarters, let me know. Out of the principle of things, I'll be happy to join you. Heck, I'll even drive. 🏎
Slava Ukraini!
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I checked this day on Berkheimer website. Berkheimer is largest local wage tax collector in Pennsylvania. The form is there. Therefore why isn't it ready on Pro Series? Come on now, did someone drive on the little bus to school?😉🚍😉
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Agreed, this has to stop being an issue every year. On the DCED (Pennsylvania Department of Community and Economic Development) website, the generic local form for Pennsylvania hasn't changed since 4/2016. Also, why can't Proseries provide the generic local estimated payment vouchers (form date hasn't changed since 3/2013). Why does Intuit seem to be linking the generic local return to the Philadelphia forms Ready for print and Ready for efile dates? They are two separate forms.
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@Thebandit says “Other software providers have had this form available for weeks already.” You say “unless someone knows of a better option, we continue to begrudgingly renew ProSeries.” Which is it? We are back to the Lee Iacocca Thesis. “If you can find a better car, buy it.” For many years, that worked for Chrysler. Now, do we really want Fiat to buy Intuit?
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@IntuitGabi This is crazy - this form never changes. I spoke with both Berkheimer and the State of PA. Someone is being lazy - all the have to do is release this form. Why is it held up?
Don't say waiting for approval. How can I contact the Office of the President?
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They used to have a web page showing all of the important muckety mucks at Inuit with their contact information. They must have decided that I was handing out that information too often and deleted that info. You could always just keep using the @ every 15 minutes or so using the names of the Intuit employees that check in here. I'm guessing someone will either eventually give some kind of response or ban you -------------- I'm not sure how much of a pest you have to be to get booted, but you might find out 😜
Slava Ukraini!
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Thanks for update postdot. for those using 2021 software to produce 2022 eit return, keep in mind that automatic backup will change that 2021 return to 2022 return. that is why it is good policy to have paper copies of all returns filed.
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Happy filing!
Hoping it's smooth sailing from here on out.
For any other forms or printing questions, these might be some helpful links:
Forms availability for ProSeries
State requirements for printing draft forms from professional tax software
Forms Availability Frequently Asked Questions
Why are other programs showing their forms available before mine?
At Intuit we work to provide high-quality content to avoid any extra work on your part.
While other programs may provide a form based on the prior year tax forms, which allows you to get started much quicker, it’s much more likely to result in a conversation with your client around amendment and changes in calculation.
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Yes this is frustrating for us PA tax return filers. As mentioned this never was an E-File form only a completed to be printed out form. I received updates it was completed but will not work for PDF file unless I uncheck if from Printing or PDF filing. Going to the local collectors site is and duplicate is not productive.
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I have had to use their fillable form for a couple of years now when this happens waiting and have not filed any returns to date waiting for this upgrade for the PA Local to work. I quit waiting and starting begrudgingly been doing it so i don't have incomplete returns lying around but can't sit on all the ones coming in.
Of all things the watermark on them too says DO NOT MAIL - E-FILE ONLY which is the exact opposite of what we do with it. UGH!
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I did 2 times on the Pro Series Basic. Just did and get an error and water marks on it still.
time here is 4:25 pm EST.
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Thanks for checking and getting back to us! Will grudgingly continue with the vendors local form until then. Hopefully they will change the form back to work in progress instead of looking like it's fixed we know! Happy tax season!
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If this helps, attached below are the PA local links that I have been using while the local forms have been having issues in ProSeries. These are the 2 I use the most. They are pdf downloads you can fill in the information and then print them out. Hope this helps ease some of the pain till they fix it.
This link is for Berkheimers:
FinalWEBDCEDFPM.pdf (hab-inc.com)
This link is for the Keystone Collections Group.
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I still can't print local tax form for PA tax, and I can' print any forms for PA tax. What is happening?
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They expedited to get the PA Local form updated so it can be printed. If you want to print the state forms you must uncheck the local box prior to printing until they get it fixed. Rather than wait for this to be fixed, I have been using each of the locals' websites and using their download fillable forms until such time. If you look back at one of my prior messages, I sent a link for completing the locals for 2 collectors: Berkheimer's and Keystone Collections Group. Others can be found as well. Hope the helps and hoping you have the patience to wait this out as it should not have been an issue that is hard to fix.
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If you want to "print" a copy to use that copy to transfer to the online locals as I just mentioned, you can print a non-usable copy by going the local tab int the state program and right clicking telling it to print. It will print on that page with watermarks just will not print from the Print tab where you do your full printing.
This is what I did and then copied that info to the online form rather than wait.
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When the "F" is Proseries going to resolve this watermark issue on the local EIT returns? Ridiculous already....it's the same form for the past 50 years!!! Extremely frustrating!!!
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@Thebandit You were post 42. It must be the answer!
The more I know the more I don’t know.