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Ohio Printing Issue

Level 1

I'm a user of ProSeries Professional for many years.  For the last 5 years, I get missing letters and/or lines when printing the Ohio returns.  Federal returns and client presentations will print properly, but Ohio returns and Ohio School District returns never print right.  

My only work-around is to save the return as a PDF, and then print the PDF.  Does anyone know of a way to truly fix it?  

I have used multiple variations of the Brother MFC printer and had the same issue.  Current model is Brother MFC J6535DW.

Brother MFC J6535DW. 653354ac-e85b-4953-a413-8fbcbe2660a0.jpg



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2 Comments 2
Level 4

I'm an Ohio-based preparer. For several years, the only way for me to get both Federal and state returns to print correctly is to save federal and state returns to pdf and then print the pdf on the printer.

Took a couple years to get used to doing it that way, now I hardly remember when I could just print directly to a printer.

Level 15

Yeah, I couple of years back, ProSeries would only print the Minnesota returns in Klingon.  Printing to a pdf was the only way to get it to print correctly.

Slava Ukraini!