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NEW TO THE COMMUNITY would like make contact with other practicioners

Level 1


we learn  more from each other than we do form the books

2 Comments 2
Level 11

That is partly how I got my start but the shadowing, learning was done in person locally. 

Level 15

What kind of contact are you looking for?  This place has a number of folks that are very knowledgeable about taxes, software, and business vests.  There is even a much larger group of folks that silently visit here looking for knowledge that tend to watch but not participate.  The forum has a lot of posts over the years that can often help you when you hit a snag.  But a lot of time, the post you are looking for might not be found because the search function sucks.  But in any case, welcome to the asylum and don't be afraid to stop in periodically for a visit or to throw a lifeline to someone who needs it.

Slava Ukraini!