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Need help please with e-filing a Wisconsin return that requires attachments.

Level 4

I'm trying to get a WI return out that contains form OS which requires pdf attachments.  I have attached everything required, the attachments are listed on page 2 of the WI informaton sheet.  However there is a form W-RA being generated for mailing in the forms that are electronically attached.  And e-file instructions say that taxpayers  need to review and sign the W-RA before e-filing.  There are no signature lines on the W-RA.  Do I still have to mail in the other state return and requested attachments with W-RA even thought they are pdf attached to the electronically filed return and where the heck do the taxpayer's sign and date this form if I do have to mail it in?

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1 Best Answer

Accepted Solutions
Level 3

As far as I know, if you have attached the other state to WI, you do not need to send in the W-RA. I never do and have never been notified that I was doing something wrong. And you're right, there is no signature line on that form. Hope this helps!

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5 Comments 5
Level 3

As far as I know, if you have attached the other state to WI, you do not need to send in the W-RA. I never do and have never been notified that I was doing something wrong. And you're right, there is no signature line on that form. Hope this helps!

Level 15
Level 15
I always attach the W-RA the last couple of years. Had called Wi Dept of Revenue for a client of mine, as a credit was delayed, and they told me you need to mail it in or attach pdf. They do not contact you if it is not attached, but it delays things.
0 Cheers
Level 4
I did also attach the W-RA, thinking that might change the e-file instructions, it didn't but will leave attached.  Thank you both so much for your help.
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Level 3
I don't understand why WI would need the hard copy via W-RA AND the pdf. I do many of these every year and none of my clients' refunds were ever held up.
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Level 15
Level 15
For all electronically filed homestead credit claims, Form W-RA, Required Attachments for Electronic Filing, along with the required attachment(s), must be submitted (either electronically or by mail) to the department within 48 hours of receiving your Wisconsin acknowledgment.
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