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Missed Appointments

Level 11

You are not going to believe this. You are just not going to believe this. Or maybe you will.

Unlike some of you most of my tax returns are by appointment only.

Over the last 2 weeks I have lost between $500.00 and $1000.00 in fees because people did not keep their appointment and did  not call. Some of these people have been with me for several years.

Last week I had this one person scheduled to come and  see me and he did not come

Less than an hour ago (6:45 pm on April 15th) he calls me and I got the usual oh I forgot answer. I know the season does not end untill April 18th but to call me at this time after not keeping the previous appointment seems to be totaly uncalled for. When I told him he would have to take it someplace else because I am all booked up for the  of the season he got mad at me.

Next tax season which will be my last anyone who can not keep an appointment and does not call , well when they do come in they are going to pay me double.

13 Comments 13
Level 11

ProSeries canceled my entire post. 

Level 11
Level 11

I only work by appointments only and only had two or three no shows maybe all tax season until this week.  I had or two or three in this week alone.  I was mostly able to fill in the time with other work that I had to also take care of but I could have used those slots for other clients. 

Level 11

I have had 4 in the last week and one half.

Level 11

Must have been the bleep word.

Been there a couple of times this year myself.

Level 15

"We already filed an extension when you did not show up.  When would you like to come in next week?  (Or next month, if you're taking some time off.)  The sooner you file the better, because you will owe interest and maybe penalty for any balance due.  By the way, the fee for filing extensions is $100."

I had one no-show this tax season, but I know why.  My scheduler thought they wanted February 25, but they meant March 25.  It used to happen once or twice a year, even though I emphasized the importance of repeating the month a couple of times just to make sure we were, so to speak, on the same page.  Then the past couple years, we didn't do appointments.  This year, many of those who demanded appointments in the past, figured out it was easier to mail or drop off their stuff.  

Level 9

My mantra: I don't stress..that's the clients job. If they don't get their s--t together it is not on me. I would tell this client that he will have to pay for an extension (upfront) because at this point I can't guarantee his return will be filed by the deadline......or...he is welcome to go elsewhere, and don't take him back next year.

Level 11

The point that you made about using those slots for other people is exactly  the point that I have been trying to make People don't realise that when they simply do not show up they are costing us money. Not only because we are not collecting a fee from them bust mostly we could have prepared a return for someone else and collected from them.

It is too late to do anything about it this year but that is why in a earlier post I said that next year anyone who does that will be paying double when and if they do reschedule with me.

Level 15

Some preparers don't realize that when they send clients away, it is costing them money.  The client isn't always right, but is always the client.  I have some PIA clients that I would like to send away, but then I remember the referrals they have sent me, who have been much easier to work with and for many years have been putting food on the table.  Sometimes even wine and amaretto for dessert.  

There are no young preparers around here, except maybe for that kid who is in way too deep with the inherited small-town practice, but a word of advice occasionally deserves to be repeated. Don't be a grouch.  Very few things in life are worth worrying about, and the occasional inconsiderate client is not one of them.  100 years from now it won't make any difference.  

Level 11

After next year with me It wont make a difference. It will be my last.

Level 15

@rcooley25 You are not going to retire next year so put that thought out of your mind. You might have to change a little bit like Bob said. I also used to have appointments more before. But it is much easier for them to mail it to me or drop it off like Bob said. I have had the same clients for years and rarely take a new client unless it is a referral or a relative of existing client. When I had many appointments before they were always rescheduling or canceling because of the weather or bad roads or doctor's appointment or little Sally's tooth fell out, Always some BS.....Now it works real well.

Level 11

I am not a grouch but there is a limit to how much a person can take or should take.

You are right about the 100 years.

I plan on being with the Lord long before that.

Level 1

I like your response the best. I am looking forward to celebrating 40 years in the business next year. Although, being in business for yourself certainly has its ups and downs, thoughtful clients and a few inconsiderate ones. But the majority of my clients are considerate, appreciative, and have been repeat clients for the last 30 - 35 years. In the past 39 years that I've been in business, I've paid off 3 mortgages and 6 vehicles. Just sharing. I am blessed, and I am grateful. (TCP, INC. since 1984).

Level 11

For the most part I agree with you.

But those inconsiderate ones have a way of  destroying the good of the considerate ones.

What I have found so disturbing this year is the ones who are being inconsiderate are people who have been with me for many years.

As I have said before maybe  am getting to darn old to be doing this.

Congradulations on the 44 years.

Nex tax season (and my last) it will be 55 years for me.