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Link in ProSeries - Multiple problems

PA CPA 900
Level 2

Hi everyone. This is my first year trying to utilize Intuit Link instead of paper Organizers and it's not going well. Have the following 3 problems - 1). I'm trying to attach a pdf of the paper Organizer and my Engagement letter when I first send the Invite, but it's not letting me attach anything until the client accepts the invite, which means I have to go back in a second time and attach these. 2). For the List of Documents and questions in Link, they start out in an organized manner, but as soon as I modify or change any of the requests it pops that request up to the top. Has anyone been able to get it back to a logical order after modifying any of the lines - i.e. W-2's on top, then 1099-R's, then SSA, then 1099-INT & DIV, etc?  3). After clients respond to questions, I like to print them out so I have a record of their answers. The only option seems to be this unprofessional, poorly designed csv file that I have to manipulate to get the columns to the correct width, then a bunch of their answers are not transferring to the .csv and I have to sit here and manually copy their notes from my screen to a piece of paper. At this point I'm considering rescinding the Link Invite altogether and mailing these people paper Organizers again. Intuit did not think this one out very well before implementing, and it is nowhere near as professional as competitors versions. It's supposed to be a time-saver and is exactly the opposite with all the time I've spent screwing around with it. Very disappointed.