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Kentucky 740-NP Form Bug

Level 1

I am receiving an error when inputting Kentucky wages. When I go to the State page and input the wages on Box 1 column B of Page 4, it is giving me this error: 

"KY Wages Wages and salaries taxable to Kentucky should be entered since there is a wages and salaries amount in column A. The amount should be the Kentucky amount of wages and salaries income in column A not including the amount for any reimbursement for moving expenses or military pay included in Kentucky wages on your wage and tax statement."

I definitely put an amount in column B and yet the error only goes away when I input 0 (which is incorrect). Any help on this? 

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2 Comments 2
Level 15

Do you really need to enter anything on KY?  Entering state wages on the federal W2 worksheet with a KY abbreviation doesn't carry things through correctly on the state return?

Slava Ukraini!
Level 1

No, sadly it doesn't. Only the Federal amount is filled in. Taxable amount for KY is blank (which would be incorrect since those are taxable wages) 

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