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I saw over in the PS Facebook group that Covid Distributions are still carrying over to 2023

Level 15
Level 15

that should have been done in 2022, so it may be too soon to transfer your client files over.  Im sure they'll get this fixed, but I doubt that any previously transferred client files will be fixed when they do, so just a heads up.

PS I havent looked for myself, I dont transfer client files until the come in for their appointment, but the OP over in Facebook was quite peeved about the whole thing, and had already been in touch with support, heres the thread if youre a member 


2 Comments 2
Level 15

I was curious, so I just checked and opened a client that had a Covid distribution.  Yep, it is showing up as taxable.

Level 15

I didn't have any of those.  Does that mean I can start cranking out tax returns today -------- even if I don't have any clients in the door yet?

Slava Ukraini!