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I have a new client, she withdrew $33,000 from her IRA, then put back $22,000 within 60 days so she should only be taxed $10,000 where can I put this information

Level 1

I have a new client, she withdrew $33,000 from her IRA, then put back $22,000 within 60 days so she should only be taxed $10,000 where can I put this information to reflect this transaction.  Appreciate your help 

0 Cheers
5 Comments 5
Level 15
Level 15

Scroll down the 1099R worksheet, you'll find a Rollover section.

Level 15

$ 33,000 - 22,000 =  $ 11,000.  Not $ 10,000.   Just an observation.

HumanKind... Be Both
Level 1


Can you tell me if I should put in $22,000 or $11.000 in the rollover section, its so simple I am sure. Thank you

0 Cheers
Level 15

Sometimes it's faster to run with scissors than waiting for someone to post an answer.  Try putting the $22,000 and then try putting the $11,000 into the worksheet.  Which amount ends up showing the correct amount as taxable?

Slava Ukraini!
Level 15
Level 15

Doesn't the line ask for the amount that was rolled over?
