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How do you delete a donor in Schedule B for Form 990?

Level 1

In the middle of schedule B for Form 990, i added an incorrect donor.

How do I delete the donor and have all the other donors move up a space without having to manually reenter the donors that came after the deleted one?

Thank you for any help!

0 Cheers
3 Comments 3
Level 11

Guessing a bit here

Highlight the entry "right click" mouse and select "delete line" works in a lot of places.

0 Cheers
Level 1

Thanks, Jeff.  

Unfortunately it didn't work.  For me Schedule B is the most frustrating part of this form because of this reason.

0 Cheers
Level 11

I guess you are down to leaving a blank in the middle or taking the very last one and entering it in that spot and deleting one from the end.