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how do i claim the child tax credit for a resident alien (waiting for greencard).

Level 2

Client, married filing joint with 2 children under 17, all have SSN with eligibility to work, yes even the 6 year has a SSN that is eligible for work in the US. Can they claim the child tax credit or do they have to wait for the greencard? per the IRS requirements they should be eligible for the tax credit but Proseries gives me an error message or automatically claims they are not eligible.

0 Cheers
6 Comments 6
Level 7

Did you check any boxes in Part III, last column of the Information worksheet?

0 Cheers
Level 15

@peekz wrote:

 do they have to wait for the greencard?

 Proseries gives me an error message or automatically claims they are not eligible.


No, they don't need to wait for a Greencard.  Were they full-year Residents (or making an election to be full-year tax Residents)?

What exactly is the error message?  Give as much detail as possible for where is says it and exactly what it says.

Have you looked at the Social Security cards to confirm they didn't accidentally give you an old ITIN number?

Level 2

I did not check any of the boxes, Proseries is automatically checking them.

0 Cheers
Level 2

They are full year residents, (lived in the US since 2020) but the children just received the SSN.  I will double check the Social, as it may be an old ITIN. I will keep you updated!

0 Cheers
Level 7

ITINS are easy to identify

"The ITIN is easily distinguished from the SSN because the ITIN always begins with a "9" and the fourth digit is always a "7" or "8". "

Level 2

It was an ITIN not a social. mystery solved!
