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How can I retrieve a frozen tax return?

Level 3

When I open the tax return, the cursor goes to the federal id number and locks up.

I cannot enter anything into the return and I cannot close out of the return.

The return was almost completed.

How can I correct this problem?




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5 Comments 5
Level 15

Problem with one specific return or are other returns acting the same way?

Slava Ukraini!
Level 3

Just the one.

I cant close the return, but have shut down through task manager, re-booted, and gone back into Pro-Series.

I can then go into other returns.



0 Cheers
Level 3

One specific return.

0 Cheers
Level 15

I would try clicking on your computer start button, scroll down to ProSeries and select "repair updates".  If that doesn't work I think you are left with the lesser evil of 2 options:

1.  Call support

2.  Delete the client and start from scratch.  

Slava Ukraini!
Level 3

update.  That didn't work for repair.  Then tried to delete the file within Proseries Homebase.  System won't let me delete it.  So did a file "save as with name change" on the 2019 tax client and transferred into 2020 to start re-entering data.  After a few days and another system update, I am able to delete bad client file.

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