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Level 3

How can the IRS and the State of NC to expect us to get the return out by the April 18 deadline and the IRS is still working on forms that have not been released yet

The state of NC just starting accepting returns in March.

Surely enough preparers can complain and get some relief. Not just the normal extension. That does not work when the preparer does not have enough time to look over their tax paper to decide if they need to pay anything in with the extension.




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9 Comments 9
Level 15

Right on brother Tim. I said the same thing a few weeks ago. We need another month or two extended tax season for the Federal and the states..  ... we have to do due diligence for the Federal, and there have been issues with software and/or forms, and IRS processing items timely, as well as lingering covid-19 issues,Etc... this takes a lot of time and and they should extend tax season. Just my opinion.

Level 7

I am going to disagree.  Extending it does not help.  If you can't get them all done extend them and work on  them after April 18th.  Extending just allows the procrastinators to procrastinate more.


Level 12

There are so many stressors of tax season.  The short period and it's getting shorter since forms and documents are not out timely.  The software. The frustrating clients who don't have everything, or who answer your eight questions with eight emails over eight days rather than all at once.  My system tracks and automatically archives emails.  I get over 40,000 emails during tax season.  That's a full time job.  Then the computer breaks, the printer jams and everything else. I should be a Walmart greeter.

Today is my last day of accepting new returns.  Every year I have a cut-off of the last Saturday in March.  There are so many meetings, uploads, drop-offs that I need time to actually work on tax returns.  And yes, close to 50% of my clients still come these last ten days before my cutoff.  It's a killer.

Level 15

I think the delayed due date the last two years has people thinking they still have a lot of time left and are bringing their returns in later than they used to.  I still have a boat load of people to come in but my harbor is already clogged up with returns that I still need to get out the door.

Slava Ukraini!
Level 13
Level 13

I completely agree. With more and more people doing gig economy work and more average Americans entering the stock market (robinhood, Apex, Ninjatraders to name a few), these forms are coming out later and later. Not to mention the late moves by congress and software companies left scrambling to get their products up to snuff...... 

Level 15

@tim05 wrote:

the IRS is still working on forms that have not been released yet


Which forms are you referring to?  Most commonly used forms have been ready for a long time.



Level 11

My gosh I thought we had problems here in Ilinois but its nothing compared to what you are going thru.

Level 15

@Dusty2 I agree to disagree with your disagreement

Level 2

I wish I could give Dusty's comment more than 1 thumbs up.  I've said this for years even before the last two COVID extensions.  I think a lot of the public are expecting another general extension like the last two years.  I'm bracing for the next few weeks when about 30% of my clients finally realize April 18 is the deadline this year.  And for full disclosure, I'm a CPA in NC who has dealt with these delays as well. While annoying, at least I could prepare returns and efile federal to start those refunds for clients and efile NC once that opened.  

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