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Good Morning Jim!

Instead of my starting a thread on the same subject for like, I don't know, the 100th time in the past 72 hours, I want to wish a very Good Morning to the most prolific tax preparer the Internal Revenue Code has ever met, our good friend Jim!

And while it is 3:38 in the morning here in IL, I KNOW Jim is up!😂

6 Comments 6
Level 11
Level 11

6:15 am here.. been up since 4:30 am.. feeling strong, refreshed.. did some lauindry.. waiting for the laundry to dry in the dryer so I can put it away and iron a few shirts..Debit and Credit by my side, waiting for me to feed them. real nice companions. 

 Am I the only one who loves tax season.. i mean really loves it.. everything about it.. the scheduling, the preparation, meeting with clients, trying to look spiffy, seeing how many returns I can do. hit my record for one day yesterday. 24..

Today is a lighter day.  I dont go in until later today.. Sunday I like to schedule easy returns.. no S Corp or 1065s today.(though they are not difficult for me it takes maybe 10 minutes to do an S Corp return while a personal return I can get done is six to eight minutes).  Today will be a light day, only ten returns.. I may do a little grocery shopping also and stock up for the week ahead..   

Level 15

The most surprising thing I read in that post was the fact that you iron shirts.  Long ago I decided if a shirt needed ironing it wasn’t worth owning.  Besides, how many more returns could you finish in the time it takes you to do that ironing?

Slava Ukraini!
Level 11
Level 11

since I have a variety of these spiffy vests that I alternate I only have to iron the sleeves and the front part of the shirt with the collars.. takes about 18 seconds 61mpl3AmruL._AC_SY741_.jpg

Level 15

Still, at 18 seconds per shirt, in a month that time equals one more tax return for you.  You need start streamlining so you can fit in some more returns.

Slava Ukraini!
Level 11

I tried that look, but for some reason the center buttons never line up!!

Level 15

Plus, you don't have to iron the left sleeve - since the arm is missing.  Hmm... but the hand is there.  Strang, very strange 🙂

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