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Form 8915-F

The Tax Ladies
Level 1

The taxpayer received a 2020 Coronavirus related pension or IRA distribution, spread the income over 3 years & completed 2020 Form 8915-E.  The carryover amounts (the 2/3 not claimed as income in 2020) do not transfer over to the 2021 tax program file.  Through research, we found that the 2021 repayment of these distributions will be reported on Form 8915-F.  Your website shows that you have added that form to 2021 forms, but it does not show up in our 2021 program, and we cannot find anything about a release date.  Any help here?

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3 Comments 3
Level 12

Scroll back in this forum and you'll see hundreds of similar posts.  We're hearing the update for the form will be 03/31/2022 but praying it will be earlier.  

0 Cheers
Level 15

"Your website shows"

This is not Customer Support or Tech Support. This is an internet forum community of peer users.


It's in your program, as well as on the web:




Form 8915-F, Qualified Disaster Retirement Plan Distributions and Retirements (Spouse) Final on 03/31/2022, EF on 03/31/2022
Form 8915-F, Qualified Disaster Retirement Plan Distributions and Retirements (Taxpayer) Final on 03/31/2022, EF on 03/31/2022


Don't yell at us; we're volunteers
0 Cheers
Level 2

That is crazy!   3/31??   Drake software has there's already  

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