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FORM 8867 PART III QUESTIONS 10, 11, 12 YEAR 2021

Level 2

Hi I noticed in previous years Proseries  prompted you to only answer questions 10 and 12 and even highlighted in pink those now for year 2021 its highlighting question 11, so I know question 10 if a client is claiming the CTC/ACTC/ODC should be marked as yes, but in year previously to 2021 did not highlight pink question 11 but i think in my opinion this only applies to separated/divorced or parents living apart if they can claim those credits for dependents (mostly children) and 12 its in most cases N/A if both parents or taxpayers filing together or taxpayers are not separated, divorced or living apart, it should be either yes is this situation applies but in no case i think any of those should be marked as a no, but this year I am curious since Proseries is highlighting that box for a yes , no or N/A in my opinion either yes or N/A should be the answer but if someone can share how are they responding to that question 11 to be specific because it cannot left blank like in previous years. 

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2 Comments 2
Level 15

When answering question 10, I've always marked question 11 - guess I didn't pay attention that it was never Pink.   If there is not a custodial parent situation, I mark N/A for 11.   I suppose there is a possibility of answering No but, to me, it would mean preparer isn't doing their due diligence.

Level 15

That has never been optional, so if you have been leaving it blank, you have not been doing it correctly.  Despite the fact that we pointed out the problem to the developers as soon as that happened, ProSeries refused to fix if for the last two or three years.

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