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form 8283 not ready

Level 3

Are many of you having to delay filing returns because Form 8283 is  not ready?  The update keeps getting push farther out.  I have called and submitted escalation to tech support because peers using other software do not have this problem.

I have found a workaround for now:  You can't list non-cash (goodwill, salvation army, etc) for more than 500. This tells me that this is a software issue; not a forms availability problems.  Meanwhile, I've got hundreds of returns I can't file because of this.

If any of you are experiencing this, PLEASE call tech support and demand an 'escalation' about correcting form 8283.  To be frank, it's costs us money everyday we can't file and exposes us to competition.

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Level 15

I can only find the draft version on the IRS website.  This tells me that it is an IRS problem, not a software problem.  But then, that might just be my knee-jerk reaction.