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Foreign Partnership; K-1 address cannot be entered on NJ Partnership Income Worksheet

Level 3

I have a client with a Bermuda based partnership K-1.

* On Federal form K-1 foreign account can be checked and the address is entered by leaving State and Zip empty - no problem

* On NJ form "Partnership Income Worksheet" there is no ability to do so, nothing flows from the Federal and I'm stuck with a required State and Zip code entry, for which there is none. I tried to sneak in "NA" for the State and that takes, but Zip code needs a real one.

Note: NJ disallows e-filing with a K-1 from a foreign partnership so this is not marked as e-file, but is this error something to worry about if mailing in?

1 Comment 1
Level 3

I have the same problem with NJ and PA. I have the foreign partnership address box checked on the Federal K-1 (Form 1065) worksheet. It doesn't seem to transfer to the state returns with that information and I am not finding any obvious way to correct it from within the state forms.

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