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Filing Status for US Citizen living abroad

Hello Community, 

I have a US Resident living in another country, and married to one of the other countries citizens. When I do her tax return, I assumed I was checking the single box, but I see her former preparer claimed MFS. Is that a better selection? Wouldn't I have to have a SSN for him to select that option? 

Thank you! 


0 Cheers
5 Comments 5
Level 15

If you're Married, you are not Single.

Some software allows you to enter NRA (nonresident Alien) for the spouse and still efile the MFS return.

Level 15

Any children?  Might qualify for Head of Household.

Great thought, but no children. 

0 Cheers

Hi there, 

So does that mean that ProSeries doesn't offer that option? And yes, I did find where the prior return had the NRA acronym noted in the Filing Status section, as well as a note at the top that stated "Taxpayer Abroad." So, I tried calling the help desk without any progress on a work around for this situation. 🤔

0 Cheers
Level 15

The Taxpayer Abroad notation means they have until June 15 to file. 

The checkbox for that would probably be found in the extension input section.
