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E-filing Ohio City Individual tax returns - Help out a Mass CPA please

Level 4

I have a client who moved from Ohio to Massachusetts.  It is a simple question but I can't seem to find the answer.  Are the Ohio City tax returns filed electronically through ProSeries when I file the Ohio returns, or do I have to mail paper copies to the city?  This client has Lima and Akron city returns.

Feel free to ask me any Massachusetts related questions for anyone not familiar with Massachusetts.  We have a ton of stupid rules too lol.




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3 Comments 3
Level 11
Level 11

howdy.. Ohio returns are not efiled through PS..

For Akron, that is one of the supported cities, in the ohio information worksheet

for Lima. check generic city and pick Lima... rate should populate but i suggest you go to Lima's website to verify rate and then see what kind of credit, if any, Lima gives to taxes paid to other cities.

Ohio has a hodgepodge of rules with cities.. various rates, some cities give full credit for taxes paid to other cites, some give no credit, some give partial credit.. 

Akron and Lima would be mailed in.. akron address is on the akron return.. lima would be from the website but you can use the generic form inside PS

Level 4

Thanks Jim, I appreciate the help!

Level 3

Jim, I have an Indian Hill return and I cannot get Lacerte to pick up any income. Is there a way to override Ohio city returns? I cannot find it so that it works. I want the information to flow through the return so the filing instructions are correct and so that Lacerte picks up the Indian Hill taxes paid in the information for next year. I know I will have to do the return by hand.

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