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e-filing an amended 2019 return

Level 1

I prepared the 2019 amended return like the instructions said. All of the calculations came out right.  The client is owing $2008 on the amended.  The adjusted 1040 says amount due $2088 and the 1040X says amount due is $2008.  However, when I go over to the e-file step it says $0 is due.  It says ready to e-file but nothing due.  I have checked for it to be taken out of the customers bank account and everything looks good, it just isn't carrying the amount due and to be taken out of their bank.  The think is I already did one and it worked but they didn't owe anything; so it was no amount due.  It said $0 due also, but that's correct.     I'm afraid to e-file with the 0 amount as the due amount , thinking that's how its going to file and the taxes won't be paid.     Deb O

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