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Download Old Quickbooks, ProSeries, Etc.

Level 3

Hello All,


Can you some provide the link or where I can find where I can download all the old Quickbooks , ProSeries etc. ? I cant seem to find where they all are. I thought it was in ProSeries when I  login in but cannot locate. Thanks so much!

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8 Comments 8
User FIDO 61
Level 8

Prior downloads seem to be a moving target. With your Intuit Account login try here camps.intuit.com 

♫ So if you ask me and I don't tell you
Bet your sweet bottom dollar I lied ♪
Level 15
Level 15

I always start here and choose my Product then log in.  I know if you choose ProSeries from this link, you will land in your ProSeries Dashboard and prior years programs will be shown in the Prior Years hyperlink on the main page.


Level 15

I use same as @Just-Lisa-Now-        When I choose the Quickbooks that applies to me and sign in, all my old QB programs and ProSeries are available there for downloading.

Level 15

How old is Old? For QB, you realize they may not install or register or even run on W10? Intuit won't allow a QB program more than three years old to register. If you search the web or web archive you might find the education/trial license for a specific year and then do not attempt to register QB, to use it for 120-maybe up to 140 days, since that was only meant for classroom periods use.

Are you asking because you have an older file to work with? You know you can update a file using a newer program? I try not to jump more than 2-3 years with a backup/restore, but it doesn't hurt the backup to keep trying.

"Level Up" is a gaming function, not a real life function.
0 Cheers
Level 3

Thanks everyone! Haha, yes they do seem to be moving targets, thanks User ID 61 thats exactly what I was looking for and thanks Lisa, never tried that way good to know you can also that way. 

Level 15

You don't need it from your "account" for the QB desktop download. It's right here, back to 2011:


You see Trial Version offerings, there. That isn't a different program; it's that temporary license I mentioned.

"Level Up" is a gaming function, not a real life function.
Level 3

Thanks for the help but now being told I need to register 14 QB but dont see how to do so and of course did years ago and now its asking again?. Issue is the file is a 14 Accnts Transfer QB file and cant be updated or opened in anyother QB but 14. 


For the 14 trial version mentioned, I cannot find an 14 trial to use just to open the transfer to get the info needed. Very frustrating. 


Thanks again. 

0 Cheers
Level 15

"file is a 14 Accnts Transfer QB file and cant be updated or opened in anyother QB but 14."

If you are using either Premier Accountant or Enterprise Accountant, you can use 2015 for that activity. That won't upgrade the file for your client, when you give it back.

"But don't worry, you can still work on the Accountant's Copy using a different version as long as the gap between the versions is just one year, and the accountant has a more recent version."

From: https://quickbooks.intuit.com/learn-support/en-us/accountant-s-copy-passwords/use-the-accountant-s-c...

For registration on installation: As of May 2020, only QB 2020, 2019 and 2018 are "supported." The registration process involves putting in the License, then expecting the Intuit Servers to respond. They don't even use the same URL that older QB programs expect for the contact point. That's also why trial and education license is Product and License info without trying to register.

You might keep this handy: https://quickbooks.intuit.com/learn-support/en-us/damaged-data/fix-license-validation-and-registrati...

You might be able to call Intuit to get a Validation code, for the older program(s). This assumes you owned them, already.

The QB Community is at this link:



"Level Up" is a gaming function, not a real life function.