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DMS 2020

Affetto Admin
Level 1

Is there a projected date for the release of DMS 2020? and if not, how can you import new clients in DMS 2019 from Proseries 2020?


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3 Comments 3
Level 15

I can't speak for PS, but Lacerte released 2020 DMS last week. 

Log onto your "My account" https://proconnect.intuit.com/community/general-login/help/how-to-sign-in-to-my-account-for-proserie...

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Affetto Admin
Level 1

So does not help me since I don't have Lacerte and there's no info on "myaccount" page.

but thanks

0 Cheers
Level 15

That sounds like it was helpful. If you see no info on "MyAccount" page, that would say it is not yet available.


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