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Depreciation is being calculated incorrectly

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Expensive car put into service in 2015, no bonus depreciation calculated depreciation on 40 years!  Can I just change it this year?

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Level 15
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Level 15

Expensive and inexpensive cars are both depreciated with a 5 year life.  But with a real expensive car, you could end up depreciating it over a couple of centuries because of luxury car limitations if the vehicle isn't over 6000 pounds.  So the question is, is it really being depreciated over 40 years or because of limitations does it just appear to be taking that long?

Slava Ukraini!
Not applicable

Actually 40 years.   2015 to 2045.    Is the price of the car really causing this and it's legitimate?  

0 Cheers
Not applicable

Can't add... too early.  30 years. 

0 Cheers
Level 15

"Is the price of the car really causing this and it's legitimate"

I can't see over your shoulder, but it sounds that way.

Slava Ukraini!
0 Cheers
Level 15

What's the price of the car?

Level 15
Not applicable

I understand it now that I see this.   An $80,000 car will depreciate forever under this schedule.   Thank you very much.  Learned something I did not know.