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Community reply functionality resolved. Thanks for your patience.

Level 15

I saw this at the top of the forum.  If that means we are back to waiting five minutes for the window to open up to post, I guess it is resolved.  If it means the window now opens immediately, I guess that means I shouldn't buy a lottery ticket today.

Slava Ukraini!
5 Comments 5
Level 11
Level 11

No, I think it was referring to the double entries that were appearing by the OP every time they posted.......... they definitely fixed it....  wonder what else they broke?

No, I think it was referring to the double entries that were appearing by the OP every time they posted.......... they definitely fixed it....  wonder what else they broke?

No, I think it was referring to the double entries that were appearing by the OP every time they posted.......... they definitely fixed it....  wonder what else they broke?

No, I think it was referring to the double entries that were appearing by the OP every time they posted.......... they definitely fixed it....  wonder what else they broke?

No, I think it was referring to the double entries that were appearing by the OP every time they posted.......... they definitely fixed it....  wonder what else they broke?

If at first you don’t succeed…..find a workaround
Level 15

This place runs like a finely tuned Swiss watch ------------------- that has been run over by a Mac truck.

Slava Ukraini!
Level 15

Yeah, that is funny.  They had it semi-working for a few days, then as soon as they say it is 'fixed' it takes forever again.

On a related note, does it take forever for the forum itself to load up for you guys?  It feels like I am using dial-up internet when I try to load the main page of this forum.  Opening a question (and all other websites) are fairly fast, but just loading the main page takes forever (and that has been happening for along time, much longer than the slow reply problem).

Level 15

Most of the time it opens in a reasonable amount of time but some days I do need to be a little more patient.

Slava Ukraini!
Level 15

I too have the looooooonnnnnnngggggg wait for the forum to load.   Didn't use to be like that.