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College tuition

Level 11

 is the income limitation for parents taking coolege tuition credit

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1 Best Answer

Accepted Solutions
Level 15

"but rather as lectures."

Dang it, those skills using big words and precise syntax get me in trouble all the time.

Maybe I'll use Red Light - Green Light, Yellow Light, next time I need to direct traffic.

"Level Up" is a gaming function, not a real life function.

View solution in original post

8 Comments 8
Level 11
Level 11


0 Cheers
Level 15

This is to note this topic is now running in Duplicate, here:


And being answered in both places.

"Level Up" is a gaming function, not a real life function.
0 Cheers
Level 15

Wow, I redirected folks to know this is in two places, and it seems that didn't get taken very well.

I am not attempting to moderate a forum. I see it more like directing traffic.

Does it help to realize you make it harder for Peer Users to help you, as a person asking for help from Volunteers, when you start multiple topics all on the same issue? It's virtually shouting into an office, "Help me! Just me! Right Now! the same thing I already asked! Again and again!"

At some point, people stop responding, and yet, every one of the volunteers intends to be helpful. If you don't want to play nice on the internet, you should not be participating.

Because this is a Discussion. Not Customer Support or Tech Support. It is Free To You. Be nice.

"Level Up" is a gaming function, not a real life function.
Level 15

QB - you always have good intentions and you have pointed a lot of people in the right direction over the years.  Many times in your posts you have mentioned to folks that this is a "forum of your peers".  Please keep that in mind when you are posting.  Often folks don't take your advice as advice, but rather as lectures.  Peers appreciate good advice but nobody here likes to be lectured.  Just some friendly advice. 😉

Slava Ukraini!
Level 11

Thanks. I will keep that in mind in making future post.

0 Cheers
Level 11

Then let us put this behind us and strive to make sure this issue does not come up again.

0 Cheers
Level 15

"but rather as lectures."

Dang it, those skills using big words and precise syntax get me in trouble all the time.

Maybe I'll use Red Light - Green Light, Yellow Light, next time I need to direct traffic.

"Level Up" is a gaming function, not a real life function.