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Client letters addressing balances due and refunds from and to bank accounts

Level 4

Please refine the ProSeries 1040 default client letters so when someone is directly debiting or crediting a bank account the letter has a trigger to indicate that and to list whether it's a checking or saving account, and the routing number and the account number.

The paragraph would state that the information is provided so that the client may confirm the information or to notify the preparer to correct it.

I've tried doing it my own and haven't been successful getting the letter to be flexible to be correct in all cases.

Thank you.


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9 Comments 9
Level 15

But most folks try to limit what private information gets printed on paper.  Adding routing and account numbers to another piece of paper isn't going to make most preparers happy.

Slava Ukraini!
Level 4

One may always delete the paragraph(s).

The vast majority of my clients don't get paper returns but access them securely, electronically.

There's plenty of sensitive information on tax returns even if you use just the last four digits of social security numbers.

Intuit isn't going to accommodate my suggestion anyway.

I appreciate you viewpoint and response.




Level 15
Level 15

Dont we have a letter editing guru in here?  Is it AccountantMan?  (I couldn't get it to tag that name, maybe Im spelling it wrong)

They could probably give you the trigger codes/paragraphs to add this yourself

But I agree, this would be a nice addition to the standard client letter...except for those people that want everything masked....but it would be easier for them to delete it than for everyone else to add it.

0 Cheers
Level 14
Level 14

@Accountant-Man here you go Lisa, maybe he'll jump in

Level 4

I've tried my best with what I thought were the triggers, but haven't succeeded. 

0 Cheers
Level 13

I added this to all my letters, but I delete it if it's not needed:

[@FDIDirDeP]DO YOU WANT to electronically deposit your refund, Yes or No? Is this the correct account, or do we need this information completed, if you say Yes?

[@FDIEFDwP]IF YOU OWE MONEY, do you want to debit it electronically? Yes or No? We will do debit or you will pay by check, but NOT both.

Bank: <@FDIBank>

Routing number: <@FDIRTN> or change to this: ___________________

Account number: <@FDIAcctNo> or change to this: ___________________

Please sign AND RETURN THIS FORM TO ME to verify these numbers: ________________

** I'm still a champion... of the world! Even without The Lounge.
Level 13

I add this for licenses:

<@FDISalutat>, we need your driver's license numbers and issue and expiration dates, please. This is needed for compliance with IRS regulations. Both expired last year.


<@FDITPSalut>:  #____________________    Issue Date ______________  Expiration Date ______________


<@FDISPSalut>:  #____________________   Issue Date ______________  Expiration Date ______________

** I'm still a champion... of the world! Even without The Lounge.
Level 13

Although many of my paragraphs are obsolete, I have never removed any of them from my 41 page Word document, like these two:

Based on the information on your <@FDICurYear> tax return, the estimated amount of the Economic Stimulus Tax Rebate that you will receive is $<@FDIRebate>.

Based on the information on your <@FDICurYear> tax return, the amount of the Economic Stimulus Recovery Rebate Credit that you will receive is $600.00. You could not receive it earlier based on 2007 income, so you are receiving it now.

** I'm still a champion... of the world! Even without The Lounge.
Intuit Alumni

Just to confirm I understand the request.. 

ProSeries has  the following:

  Direct Deposit Account Number:<@FDIAcctNo>

  Direct Deposit Bank Name:<@FDIBank>

  Direct Deposit Routing Number:<@FDIRTN>

Would adding the following meet all your cases? 

  Direct Deposit Account Type: <@FDIAcctType>

  Is Using Direct Deposit: [@FDIIsUsingDirectDeposit]

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