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Attaching Cost Segregation Study

Level 2

I am trying to attach a cost segregation study to a tax return. What type of form is used to link the report?

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2 Comments 2
Level 11

Unless it's a required attachment I don't think (I know) the IRS will ever look at this.  Personally, I'd keep it in my files should the IRS ever question anything.

If you want to attach it,  create a PDF and attach it as an "Other" in the forms drop-down list.

Level 15

Sometimes giving more than required isn't a good thing in life, especially when dealing with the IRS.  Keep the report in your client's records instead of hoisting the report up the flagpole for the IRS to gawk at ------- not that anyone at the IRS is likely to ever look at it.

Slava Ukraini!