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Amended return error

Level 3

Hi - I have amended a 2021 return that was filed electronically last year.  I cannot get the electronic 1040X to transmit.  Though I said "Yes" when transmitting to knowing that it was a duplicate tax id, upon converting and transmitting I get an error message "Duplicate return.  The SSN for the selected return is identical to that of another return in your Electronic Filing HomeBase view which had been e-filed.  Please open this return, modify the SSN so that it is unique and reselect the return for conversion/transmit."

What do I do?

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2 Comments 2
Level 15

Why do you have a duplicate number?  Is your 1040X a different file from the original filing?

If so, then just go to the original file and uncheck the e-file box.  So there will no longer be a duplicate.  Another possible option is to disable error-checking when you e-file (in order to do that, you need to e-file from Homebase, not within the open client file).

Level 3

I tried that too and then got the message "The submission is a duplicate of one that was previously received.  Please contact customer support."

I guess I will have to wait to call tomorrow.

The initial reject said "If form 1040-X is present in the return, then ('AmendedReturnInd' or 'SupersededReturnInd") in the return must be checked.  

I don't know why I got that message but did "uncheck" file federal extension box.

I had an amended 2020 at the same time - it went through with no problems.

I had to file both because of amended K-1's due to ERC.


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