I have three returns filed and accepted by the IRS (I verified on IRS website), but they don't transfer to the Accepted screen of the E-File homebase. Anyone else?
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Try this... go the EF Center - highlight the return(s) then go to E-File>Electronic Filing>Update Acknowledgment Status (not Receive Acknowledgment)
See what happens
I think everyone knows how to do that. It just says "Accepted" over and over, but won't populate on the Accepted tab and homebase screen.
Some do not know that using the Update Acknowledgment Status option will work differently than Receive Acknowledgment Status
There have been many posts regarding acknowledgments being "stuck". My suggestion to you has helped others. Sorry it wasn't of any help to you.
Good luck
whats the EF Status it shows in the Pending Tab?
If it was an extension, and you open that file after its accepted, it will pop back out into the Pending Tab again.
Update E-File Status. Then, I click it and it says accepted. Then, back to "Update E-File Status"...
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