I'm getting reject code R0000-004-01 on a couple of fiscal year 990s. Program is updated. Can somebody shed some light on this?
Thanks very much in advance...
R0000-004-01 e-file error. ReturnTypeCd (specified in the Return Header) and the return version (specified by the returnVersion attribute of the Return element) of the return must match the return type and the version supported by the Modernized e-File system.
Might need to call tech support on this one, is its an IRS problem or an Intuit problem? Im not sure.
You're probably right, but I don't relish calling. At all.
Might be less hassle to just print and mail.
That's an IRS issue. Call the efile Help Desk and they may be able to sort it.
But first check that you have the correct exempt code section and year end.
Leaning that way for sure.
I had the same thing on an 8-31 year end (Due Yesterday). I kept checking and got the same (I think) rejection, so opened the file, ran error checking again, saved and resent.
Then I took the Extension that was on my desk, and went to the PO and mailed, certified, return receipt requested. (I know you are supposed to be ok if you have to fix something on a reject, but it is easier not to take chances.)
As of this morning the return is still sitting in "Sent to IRS Status" but with the extension if there is a systemic problem that takes a while to get fixed, I don't have to worry (as much).
@IRonMaN wrote:
Just as a side note, 990s can't be paper filed.
I dont prepare 990s, but good to know!
Update: Problem was indeed on the IRS side of things and not ProSeries. The resubmitted returns were accepted.
Thanks for all comments -- very helpful.
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