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990-T rejection due to Form 3800 and Form 3468

Vincent zhang
Level 1

I am trying to File 990-T tax return with Form 3800 and Form 3468 attached, because these fomrs are nat available to efile. After I did all the input and there is critical diaglostics asking me to attach Form 3468. I did aready attach Form 3468 and i checked off the diagnostics and E-file the return. However, my return was rejected by IRS saying since Form 3800 is present and Form 3468 must be in the tax return. Form 3468 can't be e-filed and I did attach it to the tax return.
Per the IRS instructions, Form 3800 and Form 3468 must be attached and can't be e-filed for 990-T tax return. Why intuit have to make Form 3800 E-file availble and Form 3468 E-file unavailable.
Solution If we could supress Form 3800 and overide the credit amount on Form 990-T and attach both Form 3800 and Form 3468, then the tax return could be e-filed smoothly.
Right now I am in a bad situation, all 990-T must be e-filed and I can't e-file. Who can help.
After rejection, I also called Irs they said they can't see the Form 3468. They did see the attachement but all the attachements show Form 990T and system won't recognize it. OMG gave me a break.

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