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identify carryover by color

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identify carryover by color


I am colorblind, I see color, just not all shades.

Your helpful coloring of an entry box outline to what your tech Justin said he sees as green, I cannot see as green. I see it is darker than other outline boxes.  Could you make the outline font notably thicker, like you can in excel?  Regardless of colorblindness, that sleek look isn't as helpfully in a quick view as a thicker box outline.   

Unless you have different colors you are coloring boxes to mean different things, the color does not matter.  If you are however, please consult some official colorblindness foundation for colors to use that we can see.  It is the shade of the color, not that we cannot see color.  So you just need to avoid the shades we cannot.  I use "we" freely here as I do not really know the spectrum of colorblindness issues.  

This was seen on the 1040 K1 carryovers listed under the Basis tab for a certain K1.

Thank you!

Robert Mullins

Thanks for the idea and your feedback to bold box outline highlighted with color. We are changing the status to "Open for voting".

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Status: Open for voting
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Level 15

Do you have any daughters?  Are they tetrachromatic?  They may be able to distinguish millions more colors than we plain old trichromats.  What you have to realize, though, is that programmers are like Air Force pilots.  They don't qualify if they are color blind.  So they really don't care about you.  It's like the programmers with 20/10 vision that design those 1099's with 8-point type so that they can leave half the page blank.  

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Status changed to: Open for voting

Thanks for the idea and your feedback to bold box outline highlighted with color. We are changing the status to "Open for voting".

Continue to vote and comment on enhancements by going to the Idea Exchange Home page and select "Status": Open for voting, "Sort by": Most Popular. >> ProConnect Idea Exchange

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