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7216 - Idea Withdrawn by user

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7216 - Idea Withdrawn by user


Idea Withdrawn - Add form 7216 to available form packages.

Created a merge document through CRM instead.  

Status: New
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Level 15

Is that a Form?

Maybe a state form?

Level 1

It's a consent form, but the IRS made it look more like a letter than a form.  Here is the IRS page discussing the disclosure and below is sample language for specific use disclosure.

For the purposes of this consent form, "we," "us," and "our" mean (Printed Name of
Tax Preparer)
Federal law requires this consent form be provided to you ("you" refers to each taxpayer, if more
than one). Unless authorized by law, we cannot disclose your tax return information to third
parties for purposes other than the preparation and filing of your tax return without your consent.
If you consent to the disclosure of your tax return information, Federal law may not protect your
tax return information from further use or distribution.

You are not required to complete this form to engage in our tax preparation services. If we obtain
your signature on this form by conditioning our services on your consent, your consent will not be
valid. If you agree to the disclosure of your tax return information, your consent is valid for the
amount of time that you specify. If you do not specify the duration of your consent, your consent
is valid for one year from the date of signature.

You have indicated that you are interested in receiving an electronic disbursement service or loan
("Product or Service") from TPSC Financial, a division of Pathward, National Association. To have
your application processed by TPSC Financial, we must disclose all of your 2023 tax return
information. You have the right to request a more limited disclosure of tax return information,
however you will not be eligible to apply for this Product or Service. If you would like us to
disclose your 2023 tax return information for this purpose, please sign and date your consent to
the disclosure of your tax return information.

By signing below, you authorize us to disclose to TPSC Financial all of your 2023 tax return
information to evaluate and process your application for the Product or Service. You understand
that if you are unwilling to authorize the disclosure of your tax return information with TPSC
Financial, you will not be able to obtain the Product or Service, but you may still choose to have
your tax return prepared and filed by us for a fee.

Printed Name of Taxpayer:

Taxpayer Signature: Date: Printed Name of Joint Taxpayer (if
applicable): Joint Taxpayer Signature (if applicable): Date:
If you believe your tax return information has been disclosed or used improperly in a manner
unauthorized by law or without your permission, you may contact the Treasury Inspector General for
Tax Administration (TIGTA) by telephone at 1-800-366-4484, or by e-mail at

Level 15

7216 Consent is not a Form. I know what it is.

It might be nice if Intuit offered it. But you've got a template from IRS. Better yet - get it from the Revenue Ruling/Rev Proc that has the sample language.

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